To provide person-centered services to individuals with developmental disabilities who reside in Moniteau County so that they may achieve the highest quality of life through encouraging community interactions, self-determinations, and advocating for individual choice to ensure the health, safety, and desires of those served by partnering with individuals, families, governmental agencies, and communities.
Residential Habilitation is supervised residencies which provide 24-hour supervision. Supported residences in the form of single-person apartments are also offered to eleven (11) people with designated oversight and support provided, as needed.
Day habilitation programs give each participant more choices over their daily activities. It is often through day habilitation programs that adults with disabilities gain the skills they need for gainful employment and more independent living.
A personal care assistant, or PCA, serves as a lifeline to people with disabilities, physical, emotional, mental, chronic or temporary. They help adults complete basic daily routines, and are an added reinforcement that provides for a deeper sense of independence and quality of life.
The Moniteau County SB40 Board provides support, advocacy, funding, and coordination to individuals and families with developmental disabilities to help enhance their lives, empower their voices, and achieve their dreams. From infancy to the elder, Individual Support Plans (ISPs) vary greatly, but all are designed to connect individuals with developmental disabilities to the supports which they need. Through an ISP the SB40 Board authorities funding for individually planned services. Sources of funding include Medicaid and money provided by the County Board. Services included but are not limited to: Residential Habilitation, Day Habilitation Center, Transportation, Personal Care Assistance, and Respite.
Moniteau SB40 was founded with a clear goal: helping young adults and adults with disabilities to live a life of independency. We believe these adults can live a satisfying life when given a chance and with the right rehabilitative programs that we have to offer.
If you want to make an impact in your community, join our team of dedicated caregivers and providers who are specially trained to meet the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities.
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